Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wish List

So a lot of people have been emailing me asking me what kinds of things I want or need. Originally, I did not have any answers for this question since I just recently arrived at site. However, now that Ive been here a while and the original excitement is wearing off a bit, I am starting to see where and how I can improve my life and comfort a little bit. I want to note that by no means is it obligitory or expected that you send me a package if you are my friend. This is just in response to the questions Ive been receiving. Also, dont forget to read my most recent post underneath this one! Thanks!

1) Books. Weve got a library here in Piura that is pretty extensive. However, it is missing the latest releases. Here are some titles that I am interested in reading that I do NOT have access to: Strength in What Remains - Tracy Kidder, The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown, Let the Great World Spin - Colum McCann.

2) Magazines. If you send a package I would GREATLY appreciate it if you just threw in a recent magazine that gives updates on the news. I like Time and The Economist. I also like US Weekly hehe.

3) Downy Wrinkle Release. I have gone through this stuff so fast since I dont have a closet and all of my clothes are folded. They sell travel sizes!!

4) Puzzles. Id love to have some educational puzzles to share with some of the kids I work with during their summer vacations. They love them here and call them Rompecabezas which means broken head - roughly. They use match boxes to make them. I could use all types for all ages. I think it would be particularly helpful if they were world map puzzles or any type of map because they could learn about where they are in relation to the rest of the world.

Again, this is only to answer questions that I have been getting. You dont have to send me a package! But I will love you even more if you do...

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