Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pictures 2

The Centro in Lima.

Some of us in Miraflores in front of the Pacific Ocean.

Some business volunteers at the simulation put on by our tech trainers.

Volunteers on Friday after classes and futbol at Jean´s family´s tienda.

Me on one of the beds that surrounded the pool at the guardania that my tio works and lives at. He and his family live on the land and take care of the house while the owner is away in Lima during the week.

Gabo, Joanna, and Elbis inside.

The guardania... Beautiful... Also where I spent 15 hours on Monday.

Dinner with the family! The Adult Table!

Bonfire after dinner.

Me, Katie and Kim at Dunkin Donuts in Lima... we had to!

The girls in the family at abuelo´s birthday celebration. Me, Isela (I think), Eli, Elena, Susana (my mom), and Joanna.

Charlie with all the grandkids at his birthday celebration! Mario (my 8 year old brother) is in the red sweatshirt.

Charlie/abuelo/papito/Che Guevarra

Raulito, my cousin and Joanna´s son, dancing in a fruit salad shop in Chosica. Yes, he is spanking himself. And he´s adorable when he´s not crying.

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