Sunday, August 23, 2009

Under Construction

Last week I went to a concert with my host family. The group is called Los Hermanos Yaipen and I'm probably obsessed with them now. I knew most of the songs from our other celebrations but I had so much fun seeing them live. The music they play is called Cumbia and it's really popular here in Peru. A lot of the trainees went and I said hi to all of them, but hung out mostly with the fam which was a good call. It was a great experience and we had a lot of fun. Yaipen is basically like a boy band here and it was hilarious to see how my aunts acted! Also, the group never took a break but had one of them basically DJ the breaks so there was never any down time and people were excited and dancing the entire concert.

Elena y Joana.

The fam. Sandi, Eli, Elvis, Susana, Elena, Joana. I miss them!

Tias with one of the Hermanos!

The family at the party we had for our host families on Thursday. When Peruvians go to parties with food everyone piles as much as they can on their plates. We did not know this and were seriously unprepared. It was a lot of fun though and we performed Thriller for the families and they loved it. I'm going to try to put up a video on my blog but we'll see when I get around to it. I've heard it's going up on YouTube though so keep an eye out. It's pretty hilarious. It was actually really sad to leave my family and go to a new one. They had a despedida for me on Thursday and my little brother Mario and cousins Marcio, Raul and Andres danced to Michael Jackson for me since they loved the Thriller performance. They all went around and said some really nice things about how their doors will always be open and I gave a little speech on how much I appreciated them bringing me into their family. They gave me a sweater and stuffed animal (from cousin Raulito) and I made a picture album for the family and gave them all the pictures I have of them (which is a lot). The next day my mom also gave me some BLING that she made for me to wear at swearing in. Stay posted for the pics. The jewelry really made the outfit. Leaving was really sad and both my family and I cried (surprise I know). Then I was ready to go and we were on the bus driving to Lima and who pulls up aside the bus honking, but my family. Anyway though, we got to Lima and had quite a fun night out with lots of crazy funny things happening, none of which I'm going to post on here though. And now I'm in Piura, getting ready to move tomorrow morning. I will make another post soon with my new address and hopefully some pictures of swearing in. Hope everyone is doing well! Call me!

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